FREE BOOK GROUP for Mom or Dad of School-age Kids who want to unlock the potential of a peaceful family!

  • Are you tired of the chaos, constant reacting, and frequent quarrels with your kids? It’s time for a change!
  • Create the space to reflect on your parenting journey, to ‘rethink’ and ‘reset’ who you are as a Mom or Dad.
  • Let’s leverage your existing knowledge and explore some new essential strategies together.

Join me for a FREE book group where we will meet for 45 minutes a week via ZOOM, for 3 weeks starting in the third week of May 2024.

But hurry, as there are only 6 spaces available for parents of school-age children. This exclusive offer ends on May 13, 2024.

Ready to create a more peaceful family? Reach out to our Parent Coach, Mooniek, for more information. Email: Mooniek@greatparentsempower.com

We Can Help You!

Become The Parent You Want To Be: The Parent Your Child Needs You To Be


Effective parenting must be learned. Even though we all think we know how to do it, before we have our kids, it turns out there is much that needs to be learned.

Great Parents Empower can help you develop the skills and tools you need to become the confident and empowered parent who can raise, a confident, capable kid.

Contact parent coach Mooniek about our courses and webinars and how they can help you build the family relationships you would like to have.

You invest so much time and energy into your children. Isn’t it time to invest in yourself as a parent? Click here to get  information.


Do you…

  • experience guilt over your parenting?
  • question your abilities as a parent?
  • lose patience with your children often?

What if you could…

  • recognize and manage your emotions effectively? Have emotional elasticity?
  • feel confident in your decisions and parenting abilities?
  • improve or repair the relationships with your children and with yourself?

Our 7-class bi-weekly Great Parents Empower course will give you answers about how to be a peaceful parent and how to parent for great results!

Do you have School-age kids? Are you looking for inspiration for how you Parent?

Successful parenting involves more than:

  • Reading up on the developmental stages of your kid(s).
  • Loving your kid(s).
  • Enduring the crazy chaos that comes with raising children.

Growing from a mediocre to a great parent happens because you understand:

  1. That it is you, the parent/caretaker, who deeply influences your family
  2. That research shows that peaceful parenting is good for the whole family: kids and parents

Because you are the linchpin of your family, you want to understand how your thoughts, actions, and behaviors, affect your children.

  • How can you, consistently, be their safe haven where they will come to you with their worries, fears, and thoughts, so that, together, you can find solutions?
  • How do your children want to cooperate with you, and with their siblings?
  • How can you help them become emotionally intelligent, resilient, loving, capable adults?

Our 7-class bi-weekly Great Parents Empower course will give you answers about being a parent and how to parent:

-It will support you in effectively dealing with worry, guilt, or being overwhelmed.

-The course will bring you more satisfaction with who you are and how you parent.

The course will help you to parent your children in such a way that they want to listen to you, and that they learn to listen to their own inner voice (which is priceless).

In short, the Great Parents Empower course helps you to feel worthy, valued, and have clear ideas about how to create a loving family.

Click here to have a chat with parent coach Mooniek Seebregts about empowering yourself and your kids.